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RFQ has been issued to the interested companies for Jubail 4&6 IWP

SWPC is pleased to announce that the Request for Qualification (RFQ) for Jubail 4&6 IWP has been issued to the interested companies. Application for pre-qualification is open, on an individual basis or as a Consortium, to all entities which have submitted an expression of interest, or any such entity that has not submitted an expression […]

List of the interested companies who submitted EOIs for Jubail 4&6 IWP Project

List of the interested companies who submitted EOIs for Jubail 4&6 IWP Project. A total of 35 companies including 16 Saudi companies expressed their interest in the Project as follows: 1. Abengoa Agua S.A. 2. Abu Dhabi National Energy Company PJSC (TAQA) 3. Acciona Agua 4. ACWA Power 5. Ajlan & Bros Holding 6. Al […]