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WEC announces qualified companies for Supervision Consultation of Desalination Projects

WEC would like to announce that the qualified companies whom authorized to receive RFP for Supervision Consultants of desalination projects as the following: Pöyry TYPSA Fichtner Ayesa ilftecon Tractebel engie Atkins Global WSP Each company will receive qualification certificate by coordinating with their focal point of contact. WEC wish all the best for qualified Applicant […]

توقيع اتفاقيات مشروع رابغ المستقل المرحلة الثالثه

بحمد الله وتوفيقه وقع معالي وزير البيئة والمياه والزراعة رئيس مجلس المديرين بشركة الماء والكهرباء المهندس عبدالرحمن بن عبدالمحسن الفضل اتفاقية مشروع تحلية مياه رابغ المستقل المرحلة الثالثة مع التحالف الفائز ( شركة مشاريع المياه والطاقة الدولية ) و(شركة اخوان السعودية التجارية) وذلك بمقر وزارة البيئة والمياه والزراعة يوم الاثنين الموافق 25/12/2018 م.

WEC announces the Shuqaiq-3 IWP Bids Prices

Levelised Water Cost: Bidder Consortium LWC SAR /m3 Marubeni Corporation, Acciona Agua S.A., Abdul Latif Jameel Commercial Development Company and Rawafid Alhadarah Holding Co 1.9521 The International Company for Water and Power Projects (Acwa Power), Saudi Brothers Commercial Company and Al-Babtain Contracting 1.9638 International Power S.A. Dubai Branch (ENGIE), Mitsubishi Corporation, Metito Utilities Limited and Saudi […]

Appointment of Preferred Bidder for the Shuqaiq-3 IWP Project

WEC is pleased to announce that today it has appointed The consortium comprising Marubeni Corporation, Abdul Latif Jameel Commercial Development Company, Acciona Agua SA and Rawafid Alhadarah Holding Company as the Preferred Bidder for the development, design, financing, construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the Shuqaiq 3 desalination plant of 450,000 m3/day and the development, […]

Appointment of Preferred Bidder for the Dammam ISTP Project

WEC is pleased to announce that today it has appointed The consortium comprising Metito Utilities Limited, Mowah Company and Orascom Construction as the Preferred Bidder for the development, design, financing, construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the Dammam ISTP of 200,000 m3/day.